What are the benefits of ISO 27001?

What are the benefits of ISO 27001?

Companies that have grown and globalized from being a small business continue their existence because they work in accordance with certain laws and become a world brand by going beyond this. In Turkey, especially after the widespread use of the internet, a number of problems prevented both the growth of companies and the dissatisfaction of customers. The biggest impact of this situation was the lack of knowledge management. With the advancement of today’s technology and its dominance over every company in our country, some regulations had to be made. In particular, thanks to the regulations introduced to protect the information of individuals, both customers and companies began to feel more secure. ISO standards are a system implemented in European Union (EU) countries since 1947. ISO (International Organization of Standardization), which has 196 member countries, is a standards organization including Turkey. The organization, which deals with all subjects except electricity and electronics, has established some standards so that companies can protect their assets and market their production and services in world markets. Although different laws are applied on a sectoral basis, there are some laws that are generally standard. The ISO 27001 certificate contains the standards that all global companies must comply with. The ISO 27001 standards, brought by the developing technology to easily disseminate the information of the customers, is a collection of standards that should be highly evaluated in terms of giving confidence to the customers of the companies. With the Information Reliability Management, which came into effect after its publication in the Official Gazette on October 15, 2010 in Turkey, both companies and customers began to breathe easier.