Escalators And Moving Bands
Timely and accurate periodic inspection of escalators and moving bands in constructions such as airports, shopping malls, metro-train stations, hospitals and court houses in public spaces in modern cities, is a legal obligation and an indispensable measure for user safety and for the extension of the service life of the equipment.
As laid down by the Safety and Health Requirements for the Use of Work Equipment Directive, published in the Official Gazette dated 25.04.2013, no. 28628, it is necessary to carry out periodical inspections of escalators and moving bands at least once a year.
It is the responsibility of the owner or the authorized operator of the facility where the escalator or the band is located, to carry out these inspections on time and by competent people.
The Law on Occupational Health and Safety No. 6331, which forms the legal basis of this regulation, enforces administrative fines in case the periodic inspections are not performed. Moreover, it is likely that as a result of an accident that may occur in the equipment, the subject can evolve into a completely different matter in the legal context for the building owner or the operator.
As SZUTEST Uygunluk Değerlendirme A.Ş. (Conformity Assessment Inc.), we provide support in periodic inspections to owners/operators of buildings where escalators or bands are located.
As a Type A inspection body, with our experienced staff, we carry out the periodic controls of escalators and moving bands that are also covered by our accreditation scope.
The installation, testing and periodical inspections of escalators and bands which are CE-certified under the Machinery Safety Directive (2006/42/EC) are performed according to EN 115 standard.
Your preference of SZUTEST in the periodical inspections of escalators and bands in your facility, will both increase the confidence of users and add value to your business.