The waters of the world are in a continuous cycle with the energy provided by the sun. Living things take water from this cycle for their needs and return it to the same cycle after meeting their needs. In this case, the substances mixed with the water change the physical, chemical and biological quality of the water and cause “water pollution”. Water pollution occurs in the form of negative changes in the radioactive, physical, chemical, ecological and bacteriological qualities of the water source. It is done in order to determine that it is suitable for using water resources, to prevent water pollution, to protect and increase water quality, and to ensure that waste water is discharged completely and correctly. Waste water analyzes are instant or periodic test studies carried out in order to prevent the quality of water from harming living things and the environment in all areas.

What are the Types of Waste Water?

  • Domestic Waste Water
  • Black Water
  • Gray Water
  • Industrial Waste Water
  • Cooling Water
  • Waste Water from Cleaning Processes
  • Waste Water from Process in Industrial Production

The rapid increase in the world population causes the need for water to increase gradually. However, the water resources that meet this need are limited. In addition, liquid and solid wastes generated as a result of the increase in commercial and industrial activities are the most important factors that accelerate the deterioration of water quality. Environmental pollution is generally considered as air, water and soil pollution. The easiest and fastest polluting of these is undoubtedly water. Everything that is polluted is cleaned with water, which means that the end point of pollution is water. The regeneration of soil and air in terms of pollution over time causes them to give their pollution to water. As a result, controlling the existing water in terms of quality and quantity is becoming more and more important every day.

Wastewater analysis; It is made during the environmental permit phase and for the purpose of inspection (internal monitoring). The annual sampling frequency is determined according to the discharge rate of the treatment plant. Sampling times within the scope of the regulation are determined by considering Table.1 in the Water Pollution Control Regulation Sampling and Analysis Methods Communiqué. In the annexes of the regulation, the necessary parameters for wastewater analysis are specified separately as a sectoral activity.

Related Legislation;

  • Water Pollution Control Regulation
  • Water Pollution Control Regulation Sampling and Analysis Methods Communiqué
  • Water Pollution Control Regulation Administrative Procedures Communiqué
  • Waste Water Treatment Plants Technical Procedures Communiqué
  • Regulation on Incineration of Wastes
  • Bathing Water Quality Regulation
  • Regulation on Urban Wastewater Treatment
  • Communiqué on Sensitive and Less Sensitive Water Areas by the Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulation
  • Regulation on Control of Pollution Caused by Hazardous Substances in Water and Its Environment (Annex-1 and Annex-2)

Within the scope of environmental legislation, the reports of laboratories authorized by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change regarding waste water analysis are valid. With MELBES, which was processed in 2019, environmental permit and internal monitoring wastewater analysis requests are collected. Internal monitoring wastewater analysis applications; It is done over MELBES twice a year, in January-June and July-December. Generally, requests are made in June and December. MELBES assigns the received requests to authorized laboratories. If waste water analysis will be done within the scope of environmental legislation, an application should be made to MELBES.

SZUTEST Occupational Hygiene and Environment Laboratory is at your service, accredited by TÜRKAK, from the taking of the sample to the analysis and delivery of the reports to you. For detailed information and application, you can contact our experts at info@szutest.com.tr.

Occupational Hygiene and Environmental Laboratory Analysis Manager

Tuğçe Aktoğan

