What is Carbon Footprint? Why it Should be Reduced?


Carbon footprint; greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrofluoride carbons (HFCs), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6), nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) released into the atmosphere as a result of human actions It is defined as the measure of gas emissions (GHG – Green House Gases) in tonnes equivalent carbon dioxide (tCO2esd).

Carbon footprint; It arises as a result of the resources we consume directly or indirectly. As a result of the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, it causes global warming or climate change.

In order to prevent the damage caused by greenhouse gases to the environment, it is necessary to measure accurately and take precautions. In order to measure greenhouse gases, “Carbon Footprint” calculations must be done correctly.


The ISO 14064 standard comes first among the standards published within the scope of calculation and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions.

In addition, there are various methodologies for calculating greenhouse gas emissions determined by the Kyoto Protocol. In the calculation methodologies, national statements are the first source to determine global warming potentials, and calculations are made according to the global warming potential values published by the Intergovernmental Climate Change (IPCC) and the Department for Environment Food & Rural Affair (DEFRA). As a result of these calculations; ton equivalent carbon dioxide (tCO2esd) emitted for each category within the scope determined by the organization is obtained. The corporate carbon footprint of the enterprise is calculated by summing the tCO2 esd resulting from each category.


In accordance with the report format determined within the scope of ISO 14064 standard; Scopes are determined within the limits set by the organization, and greenhouse gas emissions are calculated and reported.

Carbon footprint calculations and reporting are often done on an annual basis. In other words, the carbon footprint of an institution is calculated and reported according to the previous year’s data.

According to the 14064-1 standard, the corporate carbon footprint is calculated and reported in 6 main categories according to the principles of compliance, completeness, transparency, consistency and accuracy.

Scope 1 (Category 1): Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Scope 2 (Category 2): Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Imported Energy

Scope 3 (Category 3): Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transportation

Scope 3 (Category 4): Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Products and Services Used by the Organization

Scope 3 (Category 5): Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Post-Production Use of Products Produced by the Organization

Scope 3 (Category 6): Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Other Sources


Carbon footprint, as a result of increased greenhouse gas emissions:

Increased formation of acidic rains,

Shortening in Global Warning process

It causes significant damages such as climate change.


Carbon footprint; It is very important for institutions in terms of both sustainability and social responsibility. Carbon footprint measurements are also the most important supporter of sustainability activities.

Institutions, carbon footprint activities are also the most important indicator of how much importance institutions attach to future and environmental issues.

Carbon footprint calculations and reporting of the sectors determined in the Annex-1 Activity categories of the “Regulation on the Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Emissions” published by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization in Turkey should be done primarily. The greenhouse gas emission reports prepared by the enterprises in this field of activity specified in the regulation, the carbon footprint reports prepared in accordance with the 14065 standard specified in the regulation are required to be verified by the authorized institutions.

Determined in the regulation on the Monitoring of Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization; Businesses carrying out the activities in Annex-1 must report the previous year’s carbon footprint report to the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization until April 30 of each year.

In addition, the “Border Carbon Regulation Mechanism” (SKDM) has been established to prevent the effect of emission regulation in a country or sector determined in the European Green Consensus roadmap on emissions (carbon leakage) in other countries or sectors that are not subject to the same regulation, and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. SKDM envisages a “Carbon Emission Tax” to be taken at certain rates at the border, depending on the carbon content of some products imported by the European Union.

According to the SKDM draft within the framework of the European Green Deal Call of 1 January 2023, the sectors that will be affected by the regulation at the first stage are as follows.




-Iron and Steel


Therefore, with the implementation of SKDM, the exports of products with high carbon emissions and the sectors that produce these products to the EU will be negatively affected.

Within the scope of the European Green Deal and the action plan published by Turkey;

Clean and Circular Industry

Reducing Waste Production

Renovation of buildings to save energy and resources

Transition to sustainable transportation

With the ‘From Farm to Table’ strategy, it is aimed to deliver a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system.


As a result of the carbon footprint report, in which greenhouse gas emissions are determined according to the ISO 14064-1 standard, the organization reports the amount of tCO2esd it has released into the atmosphere for one year.

According to the ISO 14064-2 standard, studies are carried out to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the current situation. Some examples of studies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are given below.

-The transition from energy-intensive industrialization to less energy-intensive industrialization should be encouraged.

-Conducting and implementing energy efficiency studies in energy-intensive industrial sectors should be encouraged.

-Awareness should be raised and encouraged to increase the use of renewable energy in energy-intensive industrial sectors.

-The use of heating and cooling equipment with low energy efficiency should be phased out.

-The use of equipment with high efficiency in terms of energy efficiency should be encouraged.

-The use of environmentally friendly, sustainable equipment should be taken into account and waste management should be carried out in a controlled manner.

-Bicycle paths should be built and increased in transportation.

-Older vessels should be phased out from service.

-Wetlands should be protected.

-Integrated management systems for the recovery of recyclable wastes should be established and the way for waste recovery industrialization should be kept open.

In an individual sense; energy consumption used in homes, household appliances used, preferred public transportation, entertainment and tourism preferences, textile products used etc. many areas are factors that increase the carbon footprint.

In the institutional sense; the amount of energy consumed, the pollution and clean energy of the consumed energy, the use of environmentally friendly methods during the transportation of the produced products, the transportation of raw materials, the use of energy-efficient equipment in the enterprise and in this sense, not considering energy efficiency, etc. Factors are other important factors that increase the carbon footprint.

As SZUTEST; We are happy to support you in carbon footprint calculation, verification and reporting with our expert and experienced engineers. For detailed information and application, you can contact us at info@szutest.com.tr.


Energy Department Manager

Merve Özsüer